Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry Services

Consider Laser Dentistry for a comfortable and effective approach to dental care. At our San Jose dental office, we use lasers in the majority of our procedures to correct damage without causing irritation. If you’re looking for modern dental care in San Jose or nearby areas, give us a call at (408) 270-4333 to experience the difference that laser dentistry can make.

Laser Dentistry has revolutionized dental care to the point where procedures can be performed in a way that is so comfortable that you will barely notice you are having dental work done. We eliminate the common reasons why people are uncomfortable during dental procedures – heat, pressure, and vibration. This technology allows us to more accurately target specific areas of your mouth, making precise incisions when necessary. The surrounding gum tissue is not impacted or irritated, and there’s a faster recovery time.

Our Laser Dental treatments can eliminate the discomfort of traditional procedures such as fillings and stop bleeding during intensive procedures, making it non-invasive. If you suffer from dental anxiety, our gentle dentistry is designed to make your experience stress-free. Our Laser Gum Surgery is a non-invasive treatment that uses lasers to break up plaque and tartar, removing the irritants that cause gum disease.

We offer Laser Teeth Whitening that can transform your ordinary smile into something truly beautiful, with dramatic results. We can perform an in-office whitening treatment where your teeth can become eight shades whiter or more in a single sitting. Our custom-made whitening trays can also be used, but it can take a week or two to achieve the same results.

Our dental office provides you with the highest quality of dental care in a way that is relaxing and comfortable. By offering laser dental treatments, we eliminate the vibration, heat, and pressure that generally causes discomfort during dental procedures. At our office, we use laser technology to place dental veneers, fillings, crowns, dental implants, to whiten teeth, and treat gum disease. To learn more about how we use laser technology currently, give us a call and arrange to come see us.

Need an Appointment?

Call (408) 270-4333 to schedule an appointment or complete the form below. If you need more info, contact us directly.